Class Subcircuit

  • public class Subcircuit
    extends Object
    Represents and wraps the subcircuit to test.

    Holds a CircuitSim CircuitBoard (also known as a "subcircuit") and the CircuitSim instance used to simulate it. Your tests shouldn't need to touch this, since it mainly provides methods for loading a subcircuit from a file and poking at its internal state to find components to test — all things CircuitSimExtension handles for you.

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name of this subcircuit as written in the test file.
        a String holding the subcircuit name. Not normalized, so represents exactly what the test file specified.
        See Also:
        for information on subcircuit name normalization
      • getCircuitSim

        public com.ra4king.circuitsim.gui.CircuitSim getCircuitSim()
        Returns the CircuitSim instance simulating the circuit.

        This exposes an internal CircuitSim API. Do not use unless you know what you are doing.

        the CircuitSim instance used for simulation
      • getSimulator

        public com.ra4king.circuitsim.simulator.Simulator getSimulator()
        Returns the CircuitSim Simulator running the circuit.

        This exposes an internal CircuitSim API. Do not use unless you know what you are doing.

        the Simulator instance used for simulation
      • getCircuitBoard

        public com.ra4king.circuitsim.gui.CircuitBoard getCircuitBoard()
        Returns the CircuitSim CircuitBoard for this subcircuit. This is a GUI-side thing.

        This exposes an internal CircuitSim API. Do not use unless you know what you are doing.

        the CircuitBoard of this subcircuit
      • getCircuit

        public com.ra4king.circuitsim.simulator.Circuit getCircuit()
        Returns the CircuitSim Circuit for this subcircuit. This is a simulation-side thing.

        This exposes an internal CircuitSim API. Do not use unless you know what you are doing.

        the Circuit of this subcircuit
      • getCircuitState

        public com.ra4king.circuitsim.simulator.CircuitState getCircuitState()
        Returns the CircuitSim CircuitState of this subcircuit.

        This exposes an internal CircuitSim API. Do not use unless you know what you are doing.

        the CircuitState of top level state of this subcircuit
      • fromPath

        public static Subcircuit fromPath​(String simFilePath,
                                          String subcircuitName)
                                   throws Exception
        Loads the subcircuit named subcircuitName from the .sim file simFilePath.

        Note that for the sake of students' stress levels, subcircuitName is normalized to a lowercase alphanumeric string before searching the .sim file for it, as are the names of subcircuits in the file. So "1-bit adder!" will match "1 Bit Adder", "1bit adder", "1bitadder", "1 B I T A D DD E R", and so on.

        simFilePath - path to the subcircuit. Usually relative, like "adder.sim"
        subcircuitName - name of the subcircuit. Normalized as described above before lookup.
        a new Subcircuit simulating the requested subcircuit
        Exception - specified by CircuitSim.loadCircuits() in violation of all good taste on Earth
      • resetSimulation

        public void resetSimulation()
        Resets the simulation for this subcircuit.

        The same thing as clicking Simulation → Reset Simulation in CircuitSim.

      • getPinCount

        public int getPinCount()
        Returns the number of Input Pin or Output Pin components in this circuit. Does not include subcircuits.
        the total pin count of this subcircuit
      • lookupComponentCounts

        public Map<String,Integer> lookupComponentCounts​(Collection<String> componentNames,
                                                         boolean inverse,
                                                         boolean recursive)
        Finds if components with the given names or in the given component categories exist in this subcircuit.
        componentNames - an iterable of component names, component category names, or some mixture
        inverse - true if you want to invert the search, else false
        recursive - true if you want to search subcircuits, else false
        a map of distinct component names matching the given criteria to their number occurrences
      • lookupPin

        public BasePin lookupPin​(String pinLabel,
                                 boolean wantInputPin,
                                 int wantBits)
        Finds a Pin component labelled pinLabel in this subcircuit and returns a wrapper around it.

        To make sure the tester is deterministic, this method requires the subcircuit contain exactly one pin with a matching label. The algorithm checks this before verifying if a match has the right bit size or direction (input/output).

        Also for the sake of students' stress levels, pinLabel is normalized as described for lookupSubcircuit(CircuitSim,String) before lookup.

        pinLabel - the label of the pin
        wantInputPin - whether the pin found should be input or output
        wantBits - how many bits the pin found should have
        either an InputPin or OutputPin depending on wantInputPin
        IllegalArgumentException - if the subcircuit does not contain exactly one matching pin
        See Also:
        InputPin, OutputPin
      • mockOnlyRegister

        public MockRegister mockOnlyRegister​(int wantBits)
        Mocks the only register in this subcircuit by replacing it with input and output pins. Useful for testing the combinational logic in a sequential circuit with exactly one register. For more details on the motivation behind MockRegisters, see MockRegister.

        Each register port will be disconnected from anything else and replaced with a new Pin component reconnected to everything like before.

        Will blow up if this subcircuit does not contain exactly one Register component. Often, this is what you want for state machine subcircuits for example, and it does not require students to label the register some arbitrary name buried deep in the assignment PDF.

        wantBits - the bitsize of the register
        a MockRegister which effectively acts a collection of input and output pins
        See Also: