B C E F G I L M O P R S V W 


BasePin - Class in edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api
Wraps a CircuitSim Pin component.
BasePin(Pin, Subcircuit) - Constructor for class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.BasePin
Creates a new BasePin which wraps the provided Pin component and which lives in the provided Subcircuit.
BasesConverter - Class in edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.extension
Converts String arguments into integers using the base corresponding to their prefix.
BasesConverter() - Constructor for class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.extension.BasesConverter
beforeAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.extension.CircuitSimExtension
beforeEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.extension.CircuitSimExtension
bits() - Method in annotation type edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.SubcircuitPin
The bit size of a matching Pin.
bits() - Method in annotation type edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.SubcircuitRegister
Desired bitsize of a matching register.
blacklistComponents(Subcircuit, String...) - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Restrictor
Fail the whole test if the subcircuit contains any of these components or component categories.


CircuitSimExtension - Class in edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.extension
Extends JUnit to understand testing CircuitSim subcircuits.
CircuitSimExtension() - Constructor for class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.extension.CircuitSimExtension
convert(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.extension.BasesConverter


edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api - package edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api
Contains wrapper classes which make internal CircuitSim APIs more friendly for testing, and provides annotations used to instruct CircuitSimExtension to lookup subcircuits, pins, or registers.
edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.extension - package edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.extension
Contains the CircuitSim JUnit 5 extension itself, as well as any JUnit-specific helper classes.


file() - Method in annotation type edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.SubcircuitTest
The circuit file to open.
fromPath(String, String) - Static method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Loads the subcircuit named subcircuitName from the .sim file simFilePath.


get() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.OutputPin
Returns the current value of this output pin.
getCircuit() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Returns the CircuitSim Circuit for this subcircuit.
getCircuitBoard() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Returns the CircuitSim CircuitBoard for this subcircuit.
getCircuitSim() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Returns the CircuitSim instance simulating the circuit.
getCircuitState() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Returns the CircuitSim CircuitState of this subcircuit.
getClk() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.MockRegister
Returns the Pin which replaced the clock port of the register.
getD() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.MockRegister
Returns the Pin which replaced the in port of the register.
getEn() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.MockRegister
Returns the Pin which replaced the write enable port of the register.
getName() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Returns the name of this subcircuit as written in the test file.
getPin() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.BasePin
Returns the internal CircuitSim Pin component this object wraps.
getPinCount() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Returns the number of Input Pin or Output Pin components in this circuit.
getQ() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.MockRegister
Returns the Pin which replaced the out port of the register.
getRst() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.MockRegister
Returns the Pin which replaced the reset port of the register.
getSext() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.OutputPin
Returns the current value of this output pin sign-extended to 32 bits.
getSimulator() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Returns the CircuitSim Simulator running the circuit.
getSubcircuit() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.BasePin
Returns the Subcircuit, a wrapper around a CircuitSim CircuitBoard where this Pin lives.
getSubcircuit() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.MockRegister
Returns the Subcircuit where the Pins which make up this MockRegister live.


InputPin - Class in edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api
Wraps a CircuitSim input Pin component and provides a convenience method for setting its value.
InputPin(Pin, Subcircuit) - Constructor for class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.InputPin
Creates a new InputPin which wraps the provided Pin component and which lives in the provided Subcircuit.


label() - Method in annotation type edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.SubcircuitPin
The label of a matching Pin.
lookupComponentCounts(Collection<String>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Finds if components with the given names or in the given component categories exist in this subcircuit.
lookupPin(String, boolean, int) - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Finds a Pin component labelled pinLabel in this subcircuit and returns a wrapper around it.


mockOnlyRegister(int) - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Mocks the only register in this subcircuit by replacing it with input and output pins.
MockRegister - Class in edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api
Represents a "ghost" register: a register component replaced with Pin components for easier testing.


onlyRegister() - Method in annotation type edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.SubcircuitRegister
Whether to match the only register in the subcircuit.
OutputPin - Class in edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api
Wraps a CircuitSim output Pin component and provides a convenience method for setting its value.
OutputPin(Pin, Subcircuit) - Constructor for class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.OutputPin
Creates a new OutputPin which wraps the provided Pin component and which lives in the provided Subcircuit.


pin - Variable in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.BasePin
The Pin wrapped by this instance.


resetSimulation() - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Subcircuit
Resets the simulation for this subcircuit.
resetSimulationBetween() - Method in annotation type edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.SubcircuitTest
Reset simulation between tests.
Restrictor - Class in edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api
Validates a subcircuit by checking for issues such as banned components.
Restrictor() - Constructor for class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Restrictor
restrictors() - Method in annotation type edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.SubcircuitTest
Validate the subcircuit with these Restrictors before running any tests.


set(int) - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.InputPin
Sets the value of this input pin and allows the change to propagate through the circuit.
subcircuit - Variable in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.BasePin
The Subcircuit where this pin lives
subcircuit() - Method in annotation type edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.SubcircuitTest
The name of the subcircuit in which to search for pins.
Subcircuit - Class in edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api
Represents and wraps the subcircuit to test.
SubcircuitPin - Annotation Type in edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api
Instructs CircuitSimExtension to find and inject the Pin component into an InputPin or OutputPin field in a test class.
SubcircuitRegister - Annotation Type in edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api
Instructs CircuitSimExtension to find and inject a MockRegister for a Register component into a MockRegister field in a test class.
SubcircuitTest - Annotation Type in edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api
Marks this JUnit test class as testing a subcircuit with the provided .sim file path and subcircuit name.


validate(Subcircuit) - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Restrictor
Validates this subcircuit, throwing an AssertionError if any issues are found.


whitelistComponents(Subcircuit, String...) - Method in class edu.gatech.cs2110.circuitsim.api.Restrictor
Fail the whole test if the subcircuit contains any components other than these components or categories.